Monday, October 22, 2012

Crock Pot a WHOLE chicken!

I must admit, I was a person who was afraid of cooking an entire bird...I'm not sure exactly if there is an actual reason why....but it always seemed a bit daunting to me...(not to mention I hate leftovers, so I knew there would be a lot of leftovers)

Anyway, my husband loves chicken. He loves buying and devouring rotisserie. But, I always thought about how much sodium was in one of those $5 it was time. Time for me to conquer the bird!

First time bird makers...make sure you thaw the ENTIRE bird before you try and get the bag of giblets bird didn't thaw as fast as I wanted it to...long story short...I had to microwave it to get the remaining part of the bag out of the was a MESS!

Overall, this is a great recipe. I look forward to trying to different spice combinations. My husband was happy (and so were the dogs!) I liked it the night we ate it, but true to form, I didn't enjoy the fact we still have leftovers from it in the refrigerator right time I will need to plan another meal that can use the left over meat....

Chicken Crock Pot


1-2 teaspoons of the following:*thyme
*onion powder
*garlic powder
*red pepper flakes
*1 sliced onion

Step by Step

1. Mix the seasonings together in a bowl.

2. Rub all over the chicken (and inside of the skin of the chicken)
3. Place all of the onion on the bottom of the crock pot.

4. Place the chicken on top of the onion.

5. Cook on low for 6-7 hours.

No water is needed! I swear! The chicken has enough liquid in it, that you will be fine! Take a look and see what was in my crock pot after it cooked all day....

So in other news, we had a FANTASTIC day at our alma mater...It was Homecoming weekend at Elizabethtown Ryan and I headed back to spend the day remembering the good 'ol was nice to go back and see friends we hadn't seen in awhile and it only took a few hours to make us realize we really aren't as young as we feel! (ugh!) But, here are a few pics from our weekend...

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