Like being organized? Are you a list maker? When you go to make a list it is inevitable you cannot find paper or a pen? Or, when you do find the paper and/or pen, you have forgotten what it is you wanted to write on the list? Tired of seeing little pieces of paper with lists on them laying around?
One, problem I have recently had can be contributed to having a multi-level house now. I forget to write down when we are running out of or out of something that is kept on the 2nd floor (like shampoo, toothpaste or razors) I never go to the store without a list, but unfortunately, when I am making my list, I don't remember razors and, well, that just isn't acceptable...
I thought, how did I survive in the classrom? I remember things that I would need in my classroom and I always had my trusty clipboard with me where I would write EVERYTHING down...things I needed, ideas I thought of, people I needed to call, emails that needed to be written or responded to...not to mention my students classroom behavior...
I found some clipboards (which I had scored for free!) out of my classroom stash.
I grabbed some scrapbook paper, a foam brush, Modge Podge, paper cutter, and some stickers.
My first attempt, went terribly wrong. After I measured the paper size and the cut the paper down, I thought I should cover the whole clipboard with Modge Podge and then, apply the paper....HUGE mistake. The paper quickly attached to the Modge Podge and I couldn't move the the paper bubbled...and it was just awful...I didn't want to throw the clipboard away, so I ripped all of the scrapbook paper off (I had to use some sandpaper to help)
After this disaster, I got a little bit smarter.
First, I started with cutting the paper down so I could cover the corners and attached those with Modge Podge.
Next, I placed the bigger sheet of paper on the clipboard and began to Modge Podge a section and smooth the paper down. I continued until I was finished with the whole board.
Smooth the paper AS you Modge Podge |
I went over the board with Modge Podge once.
Then, I applied the letters/embellishments. Then, I Modge Podged over the board one more time (extra layer on the sides)
I added ribbon attached to a pen and tied it to the top.
And then I added scrap paper that I use to make my lists on.
(by the way, the purple one is the disaster clipboard from above...I was able to salvage it!)
Now, I am going to hang one in the kitchen, so my husband and myself can write things that need to be added to next week's shopping list as needed. AND, I am going to hang one on the side of the counter in the bathroom, so I can keep track of the things we run out of upstairs!
They are pretty to look at AND they are completely functional!