About Me

I started this blog because I grew tired of hearing people being so surprised when I said I made dinner every night. I know that sounds really silly, but I love food and I like being creative. But, I don't like bragging about my creations in the kitchen on a daily basis. (Does that make me a closet cook? I don't know)  Leftovers are usually taken to work by my husband, so my traveling business card goes into his stomach on a daily basis in the privacy of his own office....so I wanted a way to pass along my own creations (and tweaked creations) from within my kitchen to others.

That being said, I have to admit I didn't begin cooking until we got married. Before that, it was Lean Cuisine...every night. And, that, my friends, is a lot of sodium...so I like to take recipes I find and make them as healthy as I can. Also, we are very busy and active people which means we get home from the gym around 8:30PM...so healthy AND speedy are what inspire most of my recipes.

Other than that....

I am an honest person with a huge heart. I am so lucky to  have an amazing husband, who I adore. He tells me he loves me everyday. I can't complain with that.

I am also a proud momma to two adorable pups (Charlie and Barkley) who make coming home the best part of any day. And, they may be spoiled, but I don't mind that at all.

And, over the past year, have rediscovered my competitive edge and have taken up biking and running...this added to my forever love of the water and I have turned into one of these crazy people who competes in triathlons....I never in a million years ever thought I would do one by myself, but I made a promise to someone and once I did one....well, that was it. I was sold. And, not only triathlons, but obstacle races, mud runs...blah, blah, blah

And my day job, well I do have super hero tendencies...but those are contained to the classroom as I am a 3rd grade teacher and LOVE every minute of it!

So, enough about me...I hope you enjoy the site and I welcome any feedback you may have! Above all, thanks for checking out my blog!  <3 Stacey

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