Thursday, July 19, 2012

My Pinterest Summer

I would never think that I would EVER want to have a blog OR be a "blogger." That being said, I recently moved from Florida back to Pennsylvania, so I had a new house to set up and a lot of "spare time"...aka as being unemployed. So, to stay sane I spent A LOT of time on Pinterest.

Being 2 months into my "summer vacation," I realized that Pinterest is a HUGE time consumer. However, I also found that we (my fellow pinners and I) pinned a lot of great "stuff," but of that "stuff," what was really yummy, or easy, or worth my time? One would never really know because it was just a pinning frenzy.

So, I decided I should make a place where we can post reviews or what worked for us or what was truly, I am VERY new at this endeavour, (so it may take me a bit to get the hang of this "blogging" stuff)

That being next post will include some "hits" and "misses" from my Pinterest Summer...

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