Thursday, July 19, 2012

Closet Organization

If you know me, I like to be organized. I never thought I would climb to the level of Julianna (RoyGBiv) closet organization, but alas...after watching Bethenny today, I have decided that if those two highly regarded gals in my life swear by it, I thought I might as well do it...

The reason you should RoyGBiv your closet is so you can quickly go to the "blue" section to look for the blue shirt you want to wear, rather than flip through every shirt in your closet and end up not finding it....CUTS DOWN ON TIME!

While I was RoyGBiv-ing my closet, I had the normal clothes falling off the hanger situations...of course I thought back to some "pins" I had seen...the wrap the pipe cleaners around each end....but seriously...first, who wants to go and buy pipe cleaners (teachers don't count, I know I have a stash somewhere, but that would take some major box diving)...second, who really wants to spend the time wrapping all of those things around your hangers?!?!?! Seriously?!

Then, I remembered the power of the glue gun and I remembered seeing a "pin" of taking the glue and making a quick squiggle down each side of the hanger and PRESTO instant sticking power...I will admit, I was skeptical, so I took the one shirt that NEVER stayed on a hanger and tried it out....IT DIDN'T BUDGE! So, needless to say not only did I RoyGBiv my closet, I also glue gunned all my hangers! All in all, took about 30 minutes, but worth it....

Just a little bit of hot glue will do the trick!

Continuing the closet organization, using old shower hooks to hang your necklaces = genius! I love being able to see them and to remember what necklaces I have...
Using Shower Hooks for Necklace organization
And, an idea I actually thought of myself...I used an old utensil holder to hang my earrings makes it very easy to see which earrings you could choose for an outfit AND it keeps them in more searching!
All of my earrings have their "pair"

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