Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Warning: Cute Reflections

Such an unusual post for me, but I want to keep a record of this for myself. Plus, I must remember to do this at the end of every school year.

This school year was my first full year as a 3rd grade teacher. (11th year overall...WHAT?!?!?) And, this is where I should "plug" my school and all of that, but I want to focus on this assignment and how fulfilling it was to do. I will save the "plug" for another day.

At the end of the school year, I hate to admit this, but A LOT of "busy work" gets assigned. I hate it because I do not like to waste time and "busy work" is wasting time. That being said, the end of a school year seems to be a very busy time for teachers and all of the odds and ends that need to be done "behind the scenes" as a teacher. So, the "busy work" gets sparingly as possible. (I also love I hate wasting paper, too)

Anyway, I came across this assignment on Pinterest (of course) and thought it would be a great way to start off a morning. It was meant to fill some time, start the morning off quietly, no stress, or focus on sentence structure...basically a low key reflection. Little did I know the type of responses I would get. Nor did I realize how seriously this assignment would be taken. Some of the kids took many hours to complete their list of 10.

Here are a few of my favorites:
#1 - There are no words. Absolutely hysterical! :)

Everything from the first day to ice cream

#8 - It doesn't get any better than that!

#10 - it's the little things/events that mean the most to them!

#10 - the whole goal of his year and my goal for him! 

#1 - Best teacher EVER (I feel like a rock star)

I really cannot put into words how much this class meant to me. They are some of the most creative and imaginative kids I have ever had. In addition, the discussions we had about all different types of subjects were incredible. We had deep discussions about anything and everything. I will truly miss this group of kids.

All in all, if you are a teacher and you are reading this post....I HIGHLY encourage you to use this as a reflective piece at the end of the year. AND, make sure you take the time to read them. Take pictures of the papers you love. Look at them on the bad days and remember, there is always time to be a little bit silly.

The most serious group of 3rd graders ever. 

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